Trap Movie: A Unique Survival Thriller

“Trap” is a 2016 Indian survival-thriller directed by Vikramaditya Motwane. The film features Rajkummar Rao in the lead role and presents a gripping narrative of isolation, desperation, and survival. It explores what happens when an ordinary man is pushed to the limits of human endurance. Set in an urban cityscape, the movie combines tension with psychological depth, making it a standout in the thriller genre.

Overview of Trap Movie

Release Year2016
DirectorVikramaditya Motwane
Main CastRajkummar Rao (Shaurya)
GenreSurvival Thriller
SettingMumbai, India (Primarily in a high-rise building)
Plot ThemeSurvival, Isolation, Human Endurance
Run Time105 minutes
Critical ReceptionPositive for performance, direction, and concept
MusicAlokananda Dasgupta
CinematographySiddharth Diwan

Story of Trap Movie

The story follows Shaurya, a regular man who accidentally locks himself in an apartment of an uninhabited high-rise building in Mumbai. Without any means of communication, food, or water, Shaurya struggles to survive in the harsh conditions of his new prison. With no immediate help, he goes through physical and psychological torment, trying to find ways to escape. As days pass, his desperation escalates, and he is forced to confront his inner fears and primal instincts. The film highlights the human spirit’s resilience in the face of extreme circumstances, making it a tense and emotional experience. In the end, Trap is not just about survival but also about the journey of a man learning to battle loneliness and fear when left utterly powerless.

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